A teenage or a teen is a young person whose age falls in the age limit of 13 to 19 years of age. Counseling is subject of psychology where one can get a proper advice and guidance in case of any need or crises. Counseling is basically done by a trained professional who has an appropriate degree in the apprehensive field! Everyone needs someone to talk to. When one goes through hurt, confusion, and struggles in life, one needs help and encouragement!
The adolescent year can be some of the greatest year of discovery. Teens are dealing with many biological, social, psychological changes which are many times harmful, stressful and confusing. For such issues and problems, Lia Huynh an expert counselor in San Jose has been serving Teens and Young Adults with their issues and problems.
Teen counseling is a situation which requires a great deal of introspection and reflection on one’s part. Children, just like adults, experience stress during our life journey. Some common stressors for children include school and family issues. A school related stress experience may incorporate excessive or difficult homework, test anxiety, peer pressure, bullying, and learning difficulties. Sometimes Children and Young People (and their families) may need additional support if they are finding it difficult to deal with or understand their emotions and/or behavior. Our adolescent counselors have experience working specifically with the psychological, mental and emotional changes of adolescences and related adolescent issues
Teen and Young- Adult counseling may help to get the concerned person out of the box. Through Adolescent Counseling you can reduce disturbing symptoms and generate positive change in your life. One will initiate to identify what isn’t working and the effects these patterns are having on one’s relationships, mood, and productivity. Lia Huynh is a proficient counselor in this field. Who makes sure that the child is out of trauma and all the information is confidential.
Counseling Children and Young involves helping the child to expand an affirmative attitude to life, recognize their strengths and express themselves. It does not engross making decisions for the child, striking values on them or preaching!
We seek to identify and develop strength and growth areas, while reducing distress and increasing coping skills. We incorporate others in the child and Adolescent Counseling Process depending on the nature of the problem and the child’s environmental resources.
“Children and adolescents face many exceptional challenges today, get consulted you teen now.”
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